Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Finally starting to feel a bit better; the voice is coming back, and I feel less "run over" ~ Yippeeeeeeeee! Have I mentioned how much I hate being sick?!?!?!

I got my first kit from ScrapBookTakeOut (hereafter known as SBTO) today ~ lots of yummy black and white goodies! And most important ~ more Prima Paintables! :-))) Now I just need to steel myself to actually sit down and PLAY with them a bit more! GASP!! It's so hard to overcome that "But what if I mess it up" angst! Be brave, girl ~ be brave! Get out those water color pencils and Twinkling H20's!!!!

Even more good news ~ the vet called with Duncan's labs... pancreatic enzymes are decreasing again; CBC and iron levels are all WNL! YAY!!! He's still sneezing a bit, but no more nose bleeds. He was so cute just a minute ago ~ sound asleep, feet/legs paddling like crazy, eyes twitching, barking and growling... I would give my eye teeth to know what he dreams of!!

Also today, I finished the last page in my series of LO's on SP... and I'm loving how they turned out!! To see part of why he captivates me, visit the first 2 links in 'Where I Go'... one old, one new.

Ta for now ~ off to fondle the new stuff!!


Cottleston Pie is the Taoist philosophy dealing with our Inner Nature (as explained by Winnie-the-Pooh)
To get the full scoop, read "The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff.
The full poem is at the very bottom here...