Finally ~ finally!!
It is fall here!! We're had the last of our 80+ degree weather, and last night we actually turned the heat on! (We'd had 2 nights of frost).
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
We also had several days of no smoke/crap in the air ~ my sinuses were rejoicing!
However, 'tis back :( And there is NO precipitation forecast for the forseeable future to help put out the fires that are still burning...
In other news ~ I've started scrapping again! It feels like it has been forever ~ and I'm enjoying the process. We printed up a bunch of pix, starting with the pups birth (2/12) ~ I'm enjoying telling the story of how Peanut came to be MY pup. There are also a bunch of garden progression pix to sort through...
I love fall for it's gentle reminders that it is time to prepare for winter's deep sleep ~ time to bring in fragile things that wouldn't survive ~ to set out things that honor the constant flow of life ~ to rejoice in what the summer has gifted us with ~~~
5 hours ago
Leaving you some love <3 <3 <3
Looking forward to seeing the pages for the pups!
And, yes, welcome fall!
Thank you for stopping by my carnival post!
Enjoying your blog! Also, can you tell me the name of the font for our page text? (if you know.) Thanks! Happy Fall!
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