Monday, December 10, 2007

a date, and more science...

Emma ~ as I type this, 406 d, 1 h, 19 m, 35 s... :-))) see below...

Just out in the Jan. issue of Discover magazine ~ in their list of the top 100 science stories of 2007, #20 is called "Fault Line in Science Policy". I'm going to quote from it, because there is no link to it as yet...

"Several reports released in 2007 bolstered the case of those claiming the Bush administration stifles scientists and attempts to alter their research findings.
...most galling... was an internal order by the Dept. of Commerce in April requiring scientists in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin. to obtain permission before speaking out about matters of "official importance". The order makes "all employee utterance subject to official review".
"It's part of this administrations reluctance to base decisions on information""

Full text Discover magazine, Jan. 08 issue, page 37.

How do YOU spell "Facism"???


bobbie said...

for more info, just Google "Bush stifles scientists"...

Unknown said...

But where are the checks and balances that keep this from happening????

bobbie said...

Didn't you know??? Emperor Bush and Darth Cheney did away with all such things...

Cottleston Pie is the Taoist philosophy dealing with our Inner Nature (as explained by Winnie-the-Pooh)
To get the full scoop, read "The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff.
The full poem is at the very bottom here...