Friday, December 28, 2007

Time for an update... we got Duncan to WSU on the 27th ~ they redid the biopsy (4 samples) and gave him his first radiation therapy treatment (here after RTT). We got to spend some time with him after ~ he was still a bit wobbly, but I did get some kisses, and he got some carrots (his new favorite snack!)

We also got to see him the next morning after his 2nd RTT ~ he was much clearer mentally, and I was able to take him for a short walk. Jim and I both got our face time ~ neither of us needed to wash our faces that morning!!

We headed home after that ~ no problems with weather.

Dunc's student Emily has called us every evening... tonight she said that he was doing great! No seizures, no more blood from the nose, no limp or knuckling ~ YAY!!

We probably won't see any results on the biopsy till Monday at the earliest; more likely Wed. We're still keeping everything crossed that they got a good sample, and that it's a slow growing tumor.

We're planning on going back around the 4th, to stay one or 2 nights. If he's still doing well, he'll be able to stay with us at the hotel.

The stress of the last 2 weeks has caught up with me... I've been feeling puny all day. Hopefully it's something that will blow over quickly...


Martha ~ xpetunia said...

Take care of YOU Bobbie... and hugs for all three of you.

tee said...

Im still praying for you, Jim and Duncan - shrinky dinky do...
love ya cant wait to give you a hug in person.

T ... the airhead! sometimes I can spell sometimes I can't!

Unknown said...


OGD Critic said...

Hugs to you! I hope Duncan continues to improve!


Cottleston Pie is the Taoist philosophy dealing with our Inner Nature (as explained by Winnie-the-Pooh)
To get the full scoop, read "The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff.
The full poem is at the very bottom here...