Sunday, May 11, 2008

In the garden... where we spent most of yesterday afternoon ~ loved it!! We spent the morning going to our 3 favorite nurseries in town ~ it's always so much fun to walk around them on that first REALLY nice spring day, and see what's new. And everyone else must have felt the same, because every place we went was crowded!!

We brought our haul home, and got to work... first things to get planted were all the blue ceramic pots out front. Pale yellow large marigolds, pink, and white allysum, deep purple lobelia, Mexican feather grass, a variegated vinca trailing vine, godetia, asters, and a gorgeous purple lithodora to replace one of the ground covers that had died. Unfortunately, the beautiful pink geranium we overwintered in the garage took a major hit when we had a low of 25 about 1.5 weeks ago ~ I forgot to bring it in, and all the tender new foliage crisped up and it died. :-((( So we got a new one to replace it. I'll try to remember to post a picture when they've gotten established and have grown a bit. At least the sprig from it I have growing in the kitchen windowsill is doing great!!

For the back, we reserved some of the godetia, allysum and asters; also got 2 spectacular lemon yellow dahlias, a true red geranium (for Jimbo!), and a purple delphinium to replace the liatris that didn't make it thru the winter.

It was a gorgeous day for being outside yesterday ~ little wind, partly cloudy, warm... I was going to do the rest of the planting today, but we were having one of our wild wind days, so there was NO way I wanted to be out in that!! (It was so bad we had to bring in the flags and the rainbow twirler!)

Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, so we'll probably get all that done after working out. At least I got some house cleaning done today! (bleah!)

Can you tell spring is my favorite month?!?!?!

18 days till puppy!!! :-)))


Geri said...

I can tell spring is your time of the year... now don't get shocked when I say this... but I've been in the yard too ... yes, really--- ME!!!!
I planted two pecan trees, 2 apple trees, a fig tree, some pansies, some sort of bulbs that I forgot what they are... but you know... the big red waxy flowers... planted some ginger, and two other red types of flowers that I can';t remember the name of...
Gardening isn't all that bad afterall... I have to go check on things all the time to see the changes...
You've addicted me!!!

bobbie said...

WTG, Geri!!!!!!!!!!!

Auntie Em said...

Wow could Bobbie and Geri come play in my garden??? You are both great!

kT said...

you gotta move somewhere where spring is longer than a month.

Cottleston Pie is the Taoist philosophy dealing with our Inner Nature (as explained by Winnie-the-Pooh)
To get the full scoop, read "The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff.
The full poem is at the very bottom here...