Sunday, May 4, 2008

So wrong...

This is just SO wrong on SOOO many levels!!!

#1 ~ how the hell did she 'hide' a pregnancy for so long???
#2 ~ why was she so afraid of her mothers reaction? WTF did she think was gonna happen when she finally gave birth?
#3 ~ why the hell was she pregnant in the first place??

Talk about TSTL!!! She can also be labeled 'TSTBC'!!! (bear children)

And anyone want to take any bets as to whether or not the whole family is here legally???

Yeah ~ I'm feeling pretty curmudgeonly... but with cinco de mayo tomorrow, and all the BS that surrounds it, especially in this hellhole enclave of illegals, I have NO tolerance for this kind of crap.



Auntie Em said...

think puppies think puppies


bobbie said...

LOL!!!! Thanks, Cuz!!

ladynurse4 said...

Ah well, I am going to bitch too...just get ya all stirred up again. The story I got over and over at the major children's cardiology hospital where i used to work went something like this

"I went to my doctor in Mexico for my ultrasound and they said my baby has a hole in his heart. They said if he is born in Mexico he will die. So, when my time is close I stay with my cousin who lives close to the border. When I am in labor and close to deliver we drive over the border to hospital there. Now my baby is American citizen and we can stay here and America will take care of us."
Now, while i do have sympathy for the individual case at hand, the idea of this makes me sick. And I know lots of other mothers to be in Mexico whose babies are fine do the same thing. When they show up in the ER just about to give birth our law says we have to take care of them. Their baby is born in America, therefore an American "citizen" and his mother and siblings can live in America legally and get food stamps and other entitlement programs with no intention of ever going to work here. Just having more babies here so they get more welfare. Now, if that is not wrong, I don't know what is.

Cottleston Pie is the Taoist philosophy dealing with our Inner Nature (as explained by Winnie-the-Pooh)
To get the full scoop, read "The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff.
The full poem is at the very bottom here...